Welcome to the Electronics and Informatics Education (EIE) Graduate School. This programme formed based on the s the need for master in Electronics and Informatics Education fields. As the name implies, this programme has two concentrations, namely Electronic Engineering Education and Informatics Engineering Education. Each concentration has courses that always keep up with the latest technology used in the industrial field. So, the EIE graduates can become reliable researchers, developers and educators in the fields of electronics and informatics. Furthermore, this programme also has a dual degree program with the Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, National Central University, Taiwan. This dual degree program allows EIE students to have two degrees after graduation. You can find information about this program by clicking on this link.


  • Post date: 18/09/2019 - 05:34

    In realizing the goal of becoming a World Class Education University (UKKD), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) continues to strive to build and enhance cooperation with various other universities, both domestic and abroad. The existence of well-established cooperation between universities, especially with overseas partners, will strengthen UNY in the international academic arena. UNY will get experience in international interaction and have the opportunity to carry out and manage international...

  • Post date: 09/08/2019 - 07:19

    In 2018, the Electronics and Informatics Education (EIE) began initiating a Dual Degree Program with National Central University Taiwan. For the initial stage,  EIE Programme sent two students. In this program, those students will study for one year at the EIE and one year at the NCU Taiwan Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology.

    Last July, the two students who were sent have successfully completed their studies in exactly two years and hold two degrees from UNY and NCU. In fact, the two students gave a very good impression to the professors there, and were given the...

  • Post date: 07/07/2019 - 01:34

    Two Electronics and Informatics Education (EIE) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) Dual Degree students, Muhammad Irfan Luthfi and Rio Nurtantyana had successfully complete their studies at the Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology National Central University (GINLT - NCU), Taiwan. This success was marked by the oral defense through Skype video conferencing involving advisors from GINLT - NCU and from the EIE UNY on Monday (24/7) at 14.00 Taiwan time or 13.00 WIB. The two students were examined directly by the committee...

  • Post date: 04/02/2019 - 08:32

    "Hopefully, what you get from Taiwan can be applied in Indonesia, especially in the development and implementation of e-learning."Said Minister of Higher Education Mohamad Nasir to dual degree students of UNY - NCU Taiwan via video conference on the  event entitled "The Inauguration of the Islamic Development Bank Building" on Saturday, February 2, 2019. Through video conferencing, the minister was also involved in interactive dialogue with dual students. degree UNY - NCU Taiwan represented by Muhammad Irfan Luthfi (EIE), Cinthya Indrastyawati and Ayu...
