
Irma & Trio - 2019 Double Degree Students Conducting Oral Defense

Following her colleague, Nisa Dwi Septiyanti, two other EIE UNY students had their Oral Defense successfully on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, through the Zoom Meeting platform. The two students are Irma Nuur Rochmah and Muhammad Trio Maulana Putra. Oral Defense involved 3 examiners from the National Central University (NCU) and 2 examiners from Yogyakarta State University (UNY), namely Prof. Wu-Yuin Hwang (NCU), Prof. Rustam Shadiev (Nanjing University, China), Prof. Lai (NCKU Taiwan), Dr. Priyanto (UNY), and Dr. Ratna (UNY).
