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EIE Sent Second Batch of Dual Degree Students to Taiwan
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In realizing the goal of becoming a World Class Education University (UKKD), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) continues to strive to build and enhance cooperation with various other universities, both domestic and abroad. The existence of well-established cooperation between universities, especially with overseas partners, will strengthen UNY in the international academic arena. UNY will get experience in international interaction and have the opportunity to carry out and manage international collaborative activities. One of the collaborative activities currently being pioneered by UNY is a dual degree activity which aims to develop student competitiveness as well as provide opportunities to interact with students abroad besides getting the opportunity to learn and have socio-cultural experiences in inter-national relations.
In 2018, the Electronics and Informatics Education (EIE) UNY got the opportunity to organize a dual degree program with National Central University (NCU) Taiwan in the master program at the Graduate Institute of Learning Technology (GINLT). In that year, the EIE UNY successfully sent 2 (two) students for 1 (one) year of studying at GINLT NCU Taiwan. The results of this collaboration program ended with very satisfying results so that the EIE UNY in 2019 sent another 3 (three) students to take part in the dual degree program. The three students are Irma Nuur Rochmah, Muhammad Trio Maulana, and Nisa Dwi Septiyanti who come from class of 2018. Similar to the previous 2 (two) dual degree students, the three students have previously been studying at the EIE UNY. for 1 (one) year and continue for the next 1 (one) year at GINLT NCU Taiwan.
Apart from doing research for their thesis, the three students will also undergo lectures like that of the GINLT NCU Taiwan students. The three students also undergo new student orientation activities like other new students at NCU, what distinguishes them is that their study period at GINLT NCU Taiwan only ranges from 10 (ten) to 11 (eleven months) according to the length of their research. When this news was written, the three students reported that they had joined a laboratory according to their expertise. Each laboratory is guided by 1 (one) professor who is also a student adviser while studying at GINLT NCU. Irma Nuur Rochmah and Muhammad Trio Maulana are reported to have joined Prof.'s laboratory. Wu-Yuin Hwang while Nisa Dwi Septiyanti joined Prof.'s laboratory. Ju-ling Shi.
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